Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Almeida, Michael J., Brannigan, Michael C., Cooley, Dennis R,. Dodds, Susan, Heller, Jan C.,     James J. McCartney, Richard Werner (2004). Stem Cell Research. Retrieved from
This E-Book contains articles from various authors stating their viewpoints on stem cell research. The chapters pertain to different topics, dealing with morality and ethics, within stem-cell research such as reasons for including human embryos into the “moral community”. The contributors for this e-book have based their writing on their own research they have found from other articles and writings. The information from this source helps readers with research by providing views of the ethics and morality of stem-cell research. This source provides some factual evidence but mainly opinionated views on the research.
Eberl, Jason T (2006). Thomistic principles and bioethics. Retrieved from
This E-Book acknowledges human ethics and behavior, addresses the human life and the “problems” people face in their lifetime. The author lists embryonic research as a problem in the beginning of life along with abortion. This allows readers to have look into the viewpoint of people stating that this research can be related to abortion and the way “human nature” and “natural law” has an affect on stem cell research. The e-book provides opinions that are against stem cell research and linking it to other “negative” subjects to some people.
Francis, Amy (2009). Should the government fund embryonic stem cell research? Detroit, MI:       Greenhaven Press.
This book provides information on the government involvement and viewpoints on funding stem cell research. This will allow the reader to see more in depth of the governments standpoint on stem cell research. The information provided is from meetings and standings from government active people and some factual information. This information provides more factual ad governmental opinions instead of opinions with morality and ethical influence.
National Research Council (U.S). Committee on the Biological and Biomedical Applications of    Stem Cell Research. Stem cells and the future of regenerative medicine [electronic       resource] / Committee on the Biological and Biomedical Applications of Stem Cell      Research, Board on Life Sciences National Research Council, Board on Neuroscience   and Behavioral Health. Institute of Medicine. Retrieved from
This E-Book will be used to obtain more information on what national councils are discussing when the issue of stem cell research comes up. The information from this resource is the overview of some of stem cell research, defining it, discussing adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and the progress the research has made. The information allows a deeper look into the talk of ethics and the scientific view point of people in politics. The information comes from committees that have met and discussed this issue.
Nordqvist, Christian (2010, October 11). First Clinical Trial Using Embryonic Stem Cell   Therapy For Spinal Cord Injury Patients. Medical News Today.
This article discusses the first human spinal chord patients that were treated with embryonic stem cells. The article goes on providing quotes of people involved in he testing of the treatment and talk positively on the issue. This article provides the reader with new knowledge on the first human treatment of embryonic stem cells.
Shi, Yanhong, Clegg, Dennis O (2008). Stem cell research and therapeutics. Retrieved from
This E-Book provides its readers with information on different uses for stem cells in different disorders and diseases. The book provides how the stem cells benefit the treatment and the problems that have risen, too. This E-Book provides information on how using stem cells can benefit some people and give a scientific insight into the subject. The writers base their information from actual experiments and results from using stem cells.
Skancke, Jennifer (2009). Stem Cell Research. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.
This book contains viewpoints from both sides on this issue of stem cell research. The articles in this book present each viewpoint in a clear easy-to-read way. This information provides readers with all opinions and viewpoints on this issue. With more knowledge on opposing and pro sides of stem cell research the reader receives a better understanding of why people feel the way they do on the issue.
Verde van Huyssteen, J.Wentzel (2003). Encyclopedia of science and religion. Retrieved from
The encyclopedia addresses science and religion coexisting and controversies that arise from these two viewpoints. This will allow me to have a more religious viewpoint on stem cell research and how people see it in the church or different religions. This resource lets me see into this issue in a more philosophical/religious way that gives a more personal experience.